Monday, April 26, 2010

Photos R Us

This blog is dedicated to my wannabe photography self. The more I get to play the more I love it.
Just a few things I've learned along the way...
* Take a few pictures of each pose (that way eyes are guaranteed to be open :)
* Have fun, capturing natural poses are the best!
* Always check the lighting and the focus, muy importante!
*Don't be afraid to use automatic. Nobody will know but you.
* Most people tend to look up a bit when they're being photographed. Have them put chin down a little but not too much that there's a double chin :)
* Sometimes off centered brings the focus to the subject.
* Sometimes exaggerated poses look better. Arms away from body somehow, legs out, chin outstretched and to the side, shoulders tilted, creative.
* Photoshop can fix lots of stuff.
*I've learned that I have a lot to learn.
Someday I hope to be great. But for now, I'll take being where I am, learning something every time. Thanks to all my willing models for thinking of me and being patient while I learn.